Hi there, Joining in the Challenge of #34, a favorite place. Over at Lawn Fawnatics , featuring Lawn Fawn Stamps. My favorite place right now must be were I live. Being so close to islands is a dream come true. We have 3 small islands that is a tourist attraction. Bird island, Seal island and Penguin island. Visiting was a wonderful experience, never knew how baby seagulls looks like. So Cute, and fluffy. In winter times visitors is not aloud on Penguin island that is when it is breading season for the little penguins. In spring time there is a lot of seagull and my fovorite, Pelicans! The clouds on the card are inspired of the amazing sunsets we have. Consisting of pinks, purples and hews of oranges. A bit of Glossy Accents on the coconuts, shells and on noses of penguins. Thanks for having a scroll through my Blog. Have a Nic...